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Orbit360 FAQ


If you do not work with the doctor in a clinical setting, you can still complete the questionnaire. For questions you cannot answer, you should select 'does not apply'. 

Last updated: 15/06/2022

If you are unable to complete the questionnaire, you can decline the invitation using the link in the email. This will remove you from the process and cease any automated reminders.

If you experience any issues, please contact or visit the contact us page.

Last updated: 15/06/2022

If you are unable to complete the questionnaire, you can decline the invitation using the link in the email. This will remove you from the process and cease any automated reminders.

If you experience any issues, please contact or visit our contact us page. 

Last updated: 15/06/2022

Licensed doctors are required to seek formal feedback from both colleagues and patients at least once every 5 years, in order to gather the supporting information they require for revalidation. This can also be referred to as Multi-Source Feedback (MSF) or 360 feedback.

Formal feedback enables patients' and colleagues' views to be collated in a systematic way, which will aide the doctor to reflect on their professional skills. The feedback will be used by the doctor;

  • As a learning and developmental tool, they may identify both strengths and areas which require improvement. This will help the doctor inform their professional development
  • As one of several pieces of information that will inform a decision as to whether a doctor should be recommended for revalidation


Last updated: 30/01/2025

The process is completely anonymous, you should ensure you do not enter any personal information when completing the feedback.

Once the completed forms are saved, the data will be kept securely and in line with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), the data is collated into a report and analysed. The doctor will use this report to reflect upon during their annual appraisal. 

Last updated: 15/06/2022

Feedback should be honest and fed back in a constructive manner. The doctor wants comments on what they are doing well and what they can improve upon.

The free-text comments are recommended to ensure the doctor gets added value from the feedback. 

Last updated: 15/06/2022